Branch addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation for The Equitable Bank in Wisconsin.
The Equitable Bank Milwaukee WI 7400 West Oklahoma Avenue 53219 414-327-1200
The Equitable Bank Whitefish Bay WI 705 East Silver Spring Drive 53217 414-961-2553
The Equitable Bank Waterford WI 701 Trailview Crossing 53185 262-534-5161
The Equitable Bank Hales Corners WI 5225 South 108th Street 53130 414-425-4321
The Equitable Bank Wauwatosa WI 2290 North Mayfair Road 53226 414-476-6434
The Equitable Bank Delafield WI N15W30921 Golf Rd 53018 262-646-4311