Branch addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation for Banks in Waseca County, MN.
Janesville State Bank Janesville MN 201 North Main Street 56048 507-234-2265
Roundbank Waseca MN 200 2nd Street Northeast 56093 507-835-4220
Roundbank Waldorf MN 102 Main Street 56091 507-239-2166
State Bank of New Richland New Richland MN 103 Broadway Avenue North 56072 507-465-3218
The First National Bank of Waseca Waseca MN 101 North State Street 56093 507-835-2740
United Prairie Bank Waseca MN 1509 North State Street 56093 507-835-8180
Wells Fargo Bank Waseca MN 220 East Elm Avenue 56093 507-833-6940